Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Summer Slimdown is happening NOW!

This is what I love about my job! Check out the results a good friend of mine got in just THREE weeks of T25! I love seeing the change in someone's my challengers confidence and how excited they get when they realize how attainable their goals are!

Who wants a slimmer Summer?!? I have a challenge group starting on May 5th and I promise EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU that if you commit you will be able to make AMAZING changes to your body in the next 2 months, and you will feel FANTASTIC! And guess what?!? BeachBody went and decided to offer awesome deals on two of my favorite programs for the ENTIRE month of April!

Comment below or email me for more info!


Sunday, April 6, 2014

Girls Day Gone Wrong...

It's just one of those things I have to write about. It will make me feel better. Yep, I just gotta write it out.

So, want to feel better about your day? Let me help you.

Tyler had planned an off-roading trip with his buddy and left at about 8 am - so what does that mean? GIRLS DAY!! I decided Kylie, Kinsley and I would go get some breakfast at McDonalds. Enjoy the empty play place for awhile for Kylie to get a little energy out, and then hit up TJ Maxx and a few other places before it was lunch and nap time!

So McDonald's was fun. Breakfast for everyone for just $3, can't beat that! Kylie was in HEAVEN with all the instruments she could play on, she is obsessed with instruments lately!

So then it was off to TJ Maxx! Regardless of how often we buy Kylie clothes, they are ALWAYS getting to small on her. TJ Maxx is worse than Target for me. Especially with a Homegoods ALL in the same store. We were super excited to go! Even Kylie loves TJ Maxx days :). So we drive the 20 minutes to get there, park, get the stroller all set up, get out of the car and walk up - and it doesn't open until 11 (it's 10:30). No big deal, Old Navy is right next door! So off we go.

Fast forward about 30 minutes. I found a bunch of cute clearance clothes for next fall/winter, grab some flip flops for me and Kylie, and go back to the clearance rack to trade out one of the shirts I liked but noticed it had a hole in it. Kinsley was screaming at this point and ready to go so I let her play with my keys. She dropped them a few times, I picked them up and gave them back. She dropped them again so I asked Kylie to pick them up for her to which she responded with a chipper "Ok Mom!". One minute later Kinsley is crying and what do you know, there are no keys to be found anywhere! Literally, we had moved all of 2 feet forward since I asked Kylie to hand them to her.

So of course I start frantically looking. I'm not sure if Kinsley ever got them back, or if Kylie grabbed them and kept them. Kylie had run around that section for a minute - but never left my site so I know they have to be somewhere close, right? Right….

I. SEARCHED. EVERYWHERE. Seriously. EVERYWHERE. In every clothing item that had pockets and in every shoe (in case Kylie decided to hide them). I was on the floor digging underneath all the shelves - I even grabbed that little hook thing that you use to get things down that are high up and swiped everything out from under every shelf. Sorry Old Navy, you have TONS of dust bunnies, hangers, and forgotten items from probably years ago all over your clearance section now. 

Kinsley screaming, Kylie's screaming. Did I mention my girls refuse to sleep unless they are in a car seat or their bed? Well the car seats are locked in the car…. and their beds basically are too. And Tyler is probably off roading with no service 2.5 hours away for all I know. It's been about 45 minutes of looking while chasing and calming screaming kids. I finally text Tyler to tell him ( I was waiting because I didn't want him to have to come back, and I KNEW they had to be somewhere!). Tyler calls me, I tell him what's going on. Of course, I tried to keep myself together this whole time but once I start telling Tyler I have to hold back the tears of frustration. So I tell Tyler not to come home yet, I will keep looking and I will call him if I decide they can't be found. I hang up, go to download a flashlight app to look everywhere, AGAIN, and as soon as I hang up the phone - it turns off. Boom. Phone's Dead. No flashlight. Tyler has no idea which Old Navy I'm even at. I have no one's phone number but Tylers. AWESOME!

Hmm, keep looking. I stick Kylie in the stroller so she will stop running and hold Kinsley so she will stop crying. Time to re-look under shelves and through the clothes racks again. I sit Kinsley on the floor (gross - but I had no options) and look under a shelf only to look up just in time to see Kinsley dive forward and nail her head on the cement floor. AWESOME. Perfect. Now my 8 month old has a big knot and bruise on her for head. At this point, I had asked if anyone had found them, told a good 3-4 employees exactly where I had lost them and guess what! Not one person ever offered to help me look for them. All I got was a "Nobody has turned them in yet". Um… DUH. I just told you exactly where I lost them and haven't left that section for the last hour and a half at this point. That's when I notice that Kylie's shorts are all wet - her diaper soaked through. Awesome. We go to the bathroom to change diapers and guess what? I have a diaper bag with no diapers OR wipes in it. GREAT.

Back to looking. Kinsley is screaming, it's way past nap time, and clearly she is hungry. So guess what time it is! Time to whip out the milkers and feed her in the middle of Old Navy while I KEEP LOOKING FOR THOSE DANG KEYS! The one thing that went right on this trip - I actually had my nursing cover in the diaper bag!

Yep, this is me. Nursing Kinsley in the middle of Old Navy…

So, fast forward through a lot of looking. Kids are screaming again (probably close to an hour later). Still won't fall asleep. I'm now pushing around the stroller AND a cart so that I can buckle them both in. We go sit on the bench and I feed Kinsley again to FINALLY get her to fall asleep. While I'm feeding her Kylie tells me she is peeing and I look over and the pee is literally running down her leg like she has no diaper on at all. Sweeeeeet. One of the employee's comes over and asks me if I am the one that lost my keys. I get super excited only to hear him say - "Oh! Your husband called and we though you left and went to another store so we told him you were gone.". Seriously? I call Tyler, he's already back at the house looking for the spare key. I hang up and go look AGAIN this time I go through the shirts where I lost them one by one wondering if one of the shirts had a front pocket that Kylie might have stuck them in? I'm half way through the rack and guess what…. KEYS!!! In the same place I have looked a million times. I had even gone through shaking all of the clothes and listening to see if my keys were stuck in them and would fall down and had NO luck. But there they are, hanging from the collar of one of the shirts - with the entire keychain INSIDE the shirt and one little mail key sticking out the front holding it up and keeping it from falling to the floor. WOW.

Time to go home! I get in the car and turn it on. Plug in my phone to charge it. Look at the clock…. it's 1:45. We got there at 10:30 and were ready to leave by 11. Yeah.

Girls fall asleep within minutes in the car - they are exhausted. We get home, I bring them in only to find this. 

At this point, I am not even phased. It's nap time and I REFUSE to wake her up. So as of right now, Kylie is banging around in her room (she thinks if she falls asleep in the car for 5 minutes that means she already took a nap). And Kinsley is fast asleep in her carseat, on the dryer - with the dryer on and the vent fan on in the laundry room to keep her from waking up. Yep, we are taking no chances. And luckily I took this pictures so I don't forget my keys are sitting there on the dryer with her….

So all in all - McDonald's was a succes - the rest, not so much. I had to ask them to hold my clothes for me because I never got to finish shopping. We never went to TJ Maxx, and I cam home with nothing but two extremely cranky, pee & poop soaked kids. And just to think, without kids I would probably have come home with an entire new wardrobe in that amount of time. But instead….. NOTHING.

I actually wish I would have taken more pictures to document the really fun 2 hours in between the nursing picture and the poopslplosion….. but my phone was dead.

Ok, I feel better now. Thanks for listening. :)

Thursday, April 3, 2014

It's my PERFECT storm!

Who is ready to put on a bathing suit this Summer?!? I would normally say that I am mortified to even try on a bathing suit, but since I am now on week NINE of T25 I can honestly say (probably for the first time in my life) that I am excited to go bathing suit shopping and hit the pool!!

Who wants to feel that way with me? It is total doable, even if you are super busy and feel like you have no time, I promise. I know because I am right there with you! I am so excited that both T25 AND Brazil Butt Lift will be on sale ALL month! I have had so many friends get AMAZING results just like I have from these programs!

Perfect timing because I have a new fitness challenge group starting on May 5th to help you get bathing suit ready in no time! Email me for details - deCLAIREyourselfFIT@gmail.com

Friday, March 28, 2014

Look at those guns!!!

I am just super excited so I want to share…. CHECK OUT THESE GUNS!!

My upper body has ALWAYS been my weakness. I am a soccer/snowboarder girl, who needs strong arms for that?!? Plus, I have never really had any clue how to work out my arms CORRECTLY. The machines at the gym always scared me, and I felt awkward trying to use free weights with all the huge guys around doing their thing. So I have always been a treadmill/elliptical kind of girl at the gym -which I know now, while not a waste of time, was not a good use of time for the results I was looking for!

So I just finished week 8 of T25 - like literally RIGHT before I took this picture! I had just done my Friday Doubles and I felt DEAD. It was even super hard to hold the phone up AND flex at the same time because my muscles were shaking. But guess what?!? For the first time in my life I HAVE TONED ARMS! Not perfect, but they are getting there!

I can honestly say that T25 is what I have needed this whole time. This program is AMAZING. Especially for me. I am a mom. I have a 2 year old and an 8 month old that keep me busy 24/7! I have a household to run, a business to run, and I need my adult socialization time too - so I feel like I am super busy and before I started this program I was positive there was no way I had time to fit in a daily workout that would really make that much of a difference. BOY WAS I WRONG! I do T25 as soon as my girls go down for a nap. TWENTY FIVE MINUTES is all it takes! Seriously, 25 minutes a day, 5 days a week got me these guns. I couldn't be happier!!!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

How our Body Imagine effects our children's future.

Maybe it's just me, but I am a VERY firm believer that our kids learn more from watching us than they do from listening to what we try to TEACH them. Teach by what you do, not by what you say - right?

Well I was browsing around and reading up on how to boost a positive body imagine in women. I know this is such a huge issue these days. What we see in the media is FAKE. It really is. The women we see on TV and in magazines are made to look the way no real woman does so that you DO envy them, want to be like them, and may even be slightly jealous. But it is not real. It's just not. There are so many women out there that I know personally that I think are incredible women inside AND out. They are gorgeous, beautiful, worth more than they could ever imagine. But instead of seeing this, they see themselves and compare themselves to these fake "Role Models".

Well guess what. To those of us mommies that have children, little girls in particular, we need to remember that WE are THEIR role models. Little girls admire their mothers. They want to be like us. They are constantly watching us, wanting to do what we do, think the way that we think, strive for the things that they see us working so hard for. Even my two year old repeats everything I say not only to me - but to herself as well as to complete strangers! Because of this I think it is SO important that we remember that our daughters see and understand how we feel about ourselves, our self worth. They hear the things we say regarding our bodies and how they "should" be or what we think is "wrong" with them. These same little girls will grow up with these same ideas in their heads! I know that no mother wants their child to grow up always thinking they need to be skinnier, prettier, or think that they are sub par and not as beautiful as others.

With that said, I stumbled upon this article. It's nothing you haven't heard before, but it is something that I think we as mothers need to be reminded of constantly. PLEASE READ THIS! Read it often. Print it off and stick it on your mirror, your scale, your refrigerator. And most of all - remember to LOVE yourself for the absolutely beautiful, amazing person you are. We are all different. We all have different strengths and weakness - but those unique strengths and weaknesses we have define us and make us individuals. They make us something that no one else on this earth could possible be. No one can be as special as you because no one can be JUST LIKE YOU. Please read this by clicking the link below, and tell me what you think!

4 Day Exclusive Shakeology Test Group!

Ok ladies and gents, I'm trying something new!

I have had ALOT of people interested in Shakeology, but nervous about the price. I totally understand, I was one of those people for a LONG time! So I've planned something a little out of the box to give each of you a shot at trying it without making the full month commitment!

Starting APRIL 21st I will be coaching an exclusive 4 day Shakeology Test Group! If you want to test out all of the benefits of Shakeology without forking over the big bucks first, click the link at the bottom of this post to grab your sample pack and then email me (deCLAIREyourselfFIT@gmail.com) to let me know you are in so I can add you to our FB group!

Also, please feel free to share this awesome opportunity with your friends! It's always more fun doing these things with people you know, and the more people in the group the more we will get out of it!

FREE, FREE 7 Day Clean Eating Challenge - ROUND 2!!

Round 2!

My 7 day clean eating challenge that I started this week has been SOOO successful and helped so many people that I am ready to schedule another one for all those that weren't able to join!

April 7th we will start a brand new 7 Day Clean Eating Challenge group that is FREE, FREE, FREE! You will get FREE meal plans, FREE recipes, FREE advice, FREE support, and even meet some AMAZING people!

If you would like to try it out, click the link below and request to join! If you have already done one of these with me and want to do another, you are more than welcome to join as well!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Grab Les Mills Combat, Les Mills Pump, and Ultimate Reset before this AMAZING deal is gone!

It's about that time… March really is almost over! These awesome programs are only on sale until the 31st, so contact me ASAP to get more info on these amazing deals! You won't regret it, I promise!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Introducing PiYO - The new Chalene Johnson Fitness Program!

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh…. I am so excited! BeachBody is launching a brand new fitness program this year (yes again, even after just launching 21 Day Fix!). This one really get's me excited! Chalene Johnson has created a workout that combines Pilates, Yoga, Strength, Cario, and Fleibility ALL into one workout with PiYo! How awesome is that? This is going to be a great option to add to BeachBody's already extensive list of a HUGE variety of programs. I have always loved Yoga and Pilates, but I always feel like I need to go for a run or throw in some cardio afterwards to REALLY feel like I worked out. I think this may be my answer!

I am most definitely coaching a PiYo challenge group AS SOON as it is released! If you want to get the email updates for the new information coming out on this program, just click the link below to sign up! By signing up, you are also entered to win a FREE PiYo Kit!

Click here to receive email updates on PiYo!

If you want in on our first ever PiYo group, just contact me and let me know!


Friday, March 14, 2014

Challenge Group Schedule

I have a bunch of challenge groups on the schedule!! There are a bunch of different types - some free, some not!

I would love to not bug everyone by announcing them on FB & my blog all the time. I have an email list that I use to send out updates on what I have scheduled. If you would like to be on the list just post your email here or PM me your email address!! I only send out 1 or 2 a month, but the email list helps so that I don't have to post announcements for them on FB all the time .

Coming up I have a T25 Challenge Group, a free 7 Day Clean Eating Challenge Group, a 4 Day Shakeology Challenge Group, and a BeachBody Multi-Program Challenge group on the schedule! If you want more info, comment with your email address, or email me! I'm about to send out an email with the basic info for all the groups!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Free 7 Day Clean Eating Challenge Group

I've decided to coach a 7 day Clean Eating Challenge group March 24th - 30th. What do you think? Is this something that could benefit you, or something you can help share with others?

Click here to request to join our Closed FB group!
FREE 7 Day CLean Eating Challenge Group

Or click on the Contact button to your right to email me for more info!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Join my new FREE Fitness Support Group on FaceBook!

In honor of my birthday, I have decided that I want to start a Fitness Challenge group here on FB. This will be a group that you can go to share healthy recipes, tell each other about the new workouts your doing, motivate and encourage each other and hold each other accountable! And also to be able to ask for advice and ask questions!

You don't have to be doing any certain workout. You don't have to be on a particular diet. You don't have to pay anything. You just have to come and show your support to everyone!

Fitness is so much more fun with friends and family! (Corny, I know. But true!). Message me on FB if you would like to be added! Just click the "Follow" button on the right to message me!

You will get a notification when I add you that you have been added to -"deCLAIRE yourself FIT - My Fit Family!"

** I Just temporarily changed the group from "Secret" to "Closed" so that you can find the group and request to join! Just click the link below


Monday, February 10, 2014

Coach Internship Available with Limited Spots!

For anyone that may be interested in being able to work from home, I am looking for some HELP! 

I am opening 6 spots in my NEW COACH INTERNSHIP beginning February 24. I am looking for 6 people who want:

-To get in the best shape of their lives
-Help others achieve their health and fitness goals while striving to achieve their own
-A big support group and to be part of a positive and uplifting group
-Financial Freedom
-Training from the top coaches in the company
-A job that they would absolutely love
-To make their own hours

You may not know much about coaching and that is ok! If you know you want a change in your life or want to fire your boss, take this chance! There is never a "right" time to make a change in your life. The time is now! I'm so excited about starting this group and helping others achieve the success that I know is possible with coaching.

-Have to be a fitness expert or professional (I am not!)
-Have to be in the best shape of your life (I am not!)
-Have to have a degree in nutrition or a degree at all. Just a willingness to learn and grow!

If you follow my daily to do list consistently, you could be making $1000/ weekly after 1 year. Crazy right?! Definitely possible and within reach!

Please contact me using the purple "Contact" tab on the right side of the page if this sounds like something you may be interested in! For those who join my team this week you will receive a new coach care package from yours truly;-)!!

I'm only take the first 6 people who are ALL IN!

P.S. Before you ask, this is NOT a SCAM, I promise ;)

There is a "What is BeachBody Coaching" Call tonight. Dial in and then let me know what you think!

Claire Colton
deCLAIRE yourself FIT

Healthy Heaven!

This is one of my FAVORITE health recipes. I LOVE IT! And what I like even more is that it takes about 5 minutes of prep time - if even that.

So without further ado, please welcome my dinner from last night!

Who wants some?!? Here is the recipe that I use!

1 (8 ounce) can pineapple rings, juice
drained and reserved
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup soy sauce
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
4 pork chops
1 pinch ground black pepper

1. Mix together the drained pineapple juice, brown sugar, soy sauce, and garlic powder
together in a large plastic zipper bag, and smush the bag a few times with your
hands to mix the marinade and dissolve the sugar. Place the pork chops into the
marinade, squeeze out any air in the bag, seal it, and refrigerate overnight. Reserve
the pineapple rings.

2. Preheat an outdoor grill for medium heat, and lightly oil the grate.

3. Remove the chops from the marinade, shaking off excess, and grill until browned,
the meat is no longer pink inside, and the meat shows good grill marks, 5 to 8
minutes per side. Brush several times with marinade and let the marinade cook onto
the surface of the meat. Discard excess marinade. While the meat is grilling, place 4
pineapple rings onto the grill, and allow to cook until hot and the slices show grill
marks; serve the chops topped with the grilled pineapple rings.

I usually serve it with brown right, and I add some pineapple chunks to the rice RIGHT after it is done cooking so they are nice and warm! Then I save some of the marinade to drizzle over the rice as well. It's Delish!


Sunday, February 9, 2014

Start a New LIFESTYLE, not a new diet...

With the new year I feel like I see so many people starting a new diet to lose weight. I think that is awesome when it is a healthy, habit forming diet! After all, abs are made in the kitchen! 80% of your weight loss is due to your nutrition and 20% is accredited to your exercise. The problem is, I don't see near as many people committing to an exercise plan or forming good exercise habits. They start a diet, lose weight, and then go straight back to what they were doing!!

We really need to focus on being fit and healthy FOR LIFE, not just for the Summer (or whatever big event may be coming up for you!). We do this by making smart, healthy choices and committing ourselves to consistent exercise. COMMIT! Make a lifestyle change, not a diet change and your results will last a lifetime!

Baby Weight Blues

Having just had a baby myself, and being at that stage in my life where ALOT of my friends are starting families of their own, I know so many new mom's that can relate to this story! So inspiring. Our "perfect" body and our health goals are always in our reach if we can make the commitment to work towards them!

Kati C., a new mom of two, faced her baby weight gain and postpartum depression head on with FOCUS T25® and Shakeology® and lost 28 lbs. in 10weeks of the program! 

Read her story: http://beachbodysocial.com/Pb1
And then click the "Contact Me" Button to your right so I can get you started on the same track!!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Instagram - I finally gave in on you!

I am officially, FINALLY, on Instagram!

For those of you who know me personally, I have the worst luck EVER with phones. Seriously, electronics come to me to die. It's the truth. So after ruining plenty of phones I have been stuck using my 4 year old REALLY, REALLY, slow - always crashing- Droid. I am an iPhone girl so I am not a fan of this. It makes it so much harder to use any apps!

So I did a factory reset, got my phone running a little smoother and quicker, and got my Instagram account going!!

So make sure you follow me! I'm a nerd and pretty excited about this so you will probably see TONS of posts from me while I figure this whole thing out ;)

Follow me!!  - deCLAIREyourselfFIT

And in honor of my 2 year old Kylie's current movie obsession….

What Are Your Favorite Healthy Snacks?

I am super excited to try these bad boys out today! I am always so busy with the girls that I really need a good healthy snack on the go! What are your go-to healthy snacks when you are on the run?

Thanks http://www.theliveinkitchen.com for this awesome recipe!

Peanut Butter Oatmeal Energy Bites
1 1/2 cups quick cooking oats
1/2 cup crisp rice cereal
1/4 cup ground flaxseed
1/4 cup oat bran
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup plus 3 tablespoons natural peanut butter
3-4 tablespoons honey
2/3 cup milk chocolate and peanut butter chips

In a large bowl, combine oats, rice cereal, flaxseed, oat bran, salt, chocolate chips, and peanut
butter chips. Add peanut butter and honey and stir until well combined. You may need to use your
hands to get everything completely incorporated. Roll the dough into 1 inch balls and place in an
airtight container. Store in the refrigerator until ready to eat.
Adapted from A Kitchen Addiction

What is BeachBody Coaching?

Have you  been hearing about BeachBody coaching and wondering what it is? Well I will tell you, it is the best job ever and I would love to have you join my team!

Here is a little info. Becoming a Coach means that you own your own fitness/health business and you just direct people to your website.  In other words, when someone needs help with fitness/nutrition, you help them and direct them to your site. When someone wants supplemental income or their own business, you briefly explain it and again, direct them to your site if they’re interested. Fortunately, Beachbody programs are VERY well-known & liked!

You make commissions from sales from your site and you make team bonuses if you choose to build a team. You don’t have to keep any inventory, deal with customer service, or shipping.. Beachbody does all of that.
It’s $39.95 to join and get your business kit, and then $14.95/month for Beachbody to maintian your website. You get 25% discounts on all the products, and you can cancel it at any time if you want to discontinue. You can put in as much time, or as little, as you want. But long-term, you’ll get out of it what you’ve put in. Most coaches who commit to working this business will earn around $1,000 weekly after just 1 year and it keeps growing from there!!
It’s really fun! If you have any hesitations or questions, just let me know at deCLAIREyourselfFIT.com and if you think YES this business is what Im looking for, just let me know and I will help you get started!

And if you have some spare time, check out this webinar from one of our top coaches!

Claire Colton

Thursday, February 6, 2014

21 Day Fix - Get it Before it's Gone!!

How many of you are bathing suit ready for the summer already?!!....Yeah...me neither. 

Good news! I have an EXCLUSIVE 21 Day Fix Test Group starting Monday February 24! I am looking for 5-10 people who are:
             -Looking for short workouts
             -Not wanting to count calories
             -Wanting to learn portion control
             -Needing motivation and accountability
             -Want to take control of their health and fitness
             -Want to be BATHING SUIT READY for SUMMER!

BeachBody just released this brand spankin' new program, 21 Day Fix, this past Monday! It has been such a huge success that it's launch sales have already bypassed that of any other BeachBody program - including P90X & Insanity!! More 21 Day Fix kits were sold in the first day than was expected in the whole first week!

This program is legit. 21 Days from now, when everyone is getting in their results, all you will be hearing about is 21 Day Fix! Don't let it sell out before you get your's! Check out this video to see what all the hype is about, and when you are done watching it - ORDER YOURS!


Please contact me with any questions! deCLAIREyourselfFIT@gmail.com

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Let's Get it STARTED!!!

Welcome to my new page! I am so excited to get started on this new chapter of my life. I have always been interested in health and fitness, but have always focused on keeping MYSELF fit and healthy. Because I didn't share this with others, I always seemed to fall short of my goals when I set them. I didn't have a support group or anyone to hold me accountable! In a way, I think I may have done it on purpose. I mean, you don't feel guilty or like you failed if no one else know's, right?

Well not only is it time tone accountable, but it is time for me to start helping others do the same. There are so many of us out there that could be so successful at staying fit and healthy and REALLY taking care of ourselves if we have others that can motivate, encourage, and help hold us accountable!

In the past I have done BeachBody programs and have LOVED them. I feel great when I do them. I have energy, I feel strong, I am consistently in a better mood! So I have decided to become a BeachBody coach and share these wonderful programs with others!

 I am still working on getting this site up and running and it may take awhile (I'm not too tech davy ;)). But in the meantime, please feel free to check out my BeachBody Website and my FB page! You can contact me through both of those, or you can email me! Just click on the links below.


FaceBook - deCLAIRE yourself Fit!

BeachBody - deCLAIRE yourself FIT!

Thanks for checking in!!