Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Let's Get it STARTED!!!

Welcome to my new page! I am so excited to get started on this new chapter of my life. I have always been interested in health and fitness, but have always focused on keeping MYSELF fit and healthy. Because I didn't share this with others, I always seemed to fall short of my goals when I set them. I didn't have a support group or anyone to hold me accountable! In a way, I think I may have done it on purpose. I mean, you don't feel guilty or like you failed if no one else know's, right?

Well not only is it time tone accountable, but it is time for me to start helping others do the same. There are so many of us out there that could be so successful at staying fit and healthy and REALLY taking care of ourselves if we have others that can motivate, encourage, and help hold us accountable!

In the past I have done BeachBody programs and have LOVED them. I feel great when I do them. I have energy, I feel strong, I am consistently in a better mood! So I have decided to become a BeachBody coach and share these wonderful programs with others!

 I am still working on getting this site up and running and it may take awhile (I'm not too tech davy ;)). But in the meantime, please feel free to check out my BeachBody Website and my FB page! You can contact me through both of those, or you can email me! Just click on the links below.

FaceBook - deCLAIRE yourself Fit!

BeachBody - deCLAIRE yourself FIT!

Thanks for checking in!!

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