Sunday, February 9, 2014

Start a New LIFESTYLE, not a new diet...

With the new year I feel like I see so many people starting a new diet to lose weight. I think that is awesome when it is a healthy, habit forming diet! After all, abs are made in the kitchen! 80% of your weight loss is due to your nutrition and 20% is accredited to your exercise. The problem is, I don't see near as many people committing to an exercise plan or forming good exercise habits. They start a diet, lose weight, and then go straight back to what they were doing!!

We really need to focus on being fit and healthy FOR LIFE, not just for the Summer (or whatever big event may be coming up for you!). We do this by making smart, healthy choices and committing ourselves to consistent exercise. COMMIT! Make a lifestyle change, not a diet change and your results will last a lifetime!

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