Sunday, April 6, 2014

Girls Day Gone Wrong...

It's just one of those things I have to write about. It will make me feel better. Yep, I just gotta write it out.

So, want to feel better about your day? Let me help you.

Tyler had planned an off-roading trip with his buddy and left at about 8 am - so what does that mean? GIRLS DAY!! I decided Kylie, Kinsley and I would go get some breakfast at McDonalds. Enjoy the empty play place for awhile for Kylie to get a little energy out, and then hit up TJ Maxx and a few other places before it was lunch and nap time!

So McDonald's was fun. Breakfast for everyone for just $3, can't beat that! Kylie was in HEAVEN with all the instruments she could play on, she is obsessed with instruments lately!

So then it was off to TJ Maxx! Regardless of how often we buy Kylie clothes, they are ALWAYS getting to small on her. TJ Maxx is worse than Target for me. Especially with a Homegoods ALL in the same store. We were super excited to go! Even Kylie loves TJ Maxx days :). So we drive the 20 minutes to get there, park, get the stroller all set up, get out of the car and walk up - and it doesn't open until 11 (it's 10:30). No big deal, Old Navy is right next door! So off we go.

Fast forward about 30 minutes. I found a bunch of cute clearance clothes for next fall/winter, grab some flip flops for me and Kylie, and go back to the clearance rack to trade out one of the shirts I liked but noticed it had a hole in it. Kinsley was screaming at this point and ready to go so I let her play with my keys. She dropped them a few times, I picked them up and gave them back. She dropped them again so I asked Kylie to pick them up for her to which she responded with a chipper "Ok Mom!". One minute later Kinsley is crying and what do you know, there are no keys to be found anywhere! Literally, we had moved all of 2 feet forward since I asked Kylie to hand them to her.

So of course I start frantically looking. I'm not sure if Kinsley ever got them back, or if Kylie grabbed them and kept them. Kylie had run around that section for a minute - but never left my site so I know they have to be somewhere close, right? Right….

I. SEARCHED. EVERYWHERE. Seriously. EVERYWHERE. In every clothing item that had pockets and in every shoe (in case Kylie decided to hide them). I was on the floor digging underneath all the shelves - I even grabbed that little hook thing that you use to get things down that are high up and swiped everything out from under every shelf. Sorry Old Navy, you have TONS of dust bunnies, hangers, and forgotten items from probably years ago all over your clearance section now. 

Kinsley screaming, Kylie's screaming. Did I mention my girls refuse to sleep unless they are in a car seat or their bed? Well the car seats are locked in the car…. and their beds basically are too. And Tyler is probably off roading with no service 2.5 hours away for all I know. It's been about 45 minutes of looking while chasing and calming screaming kids. I finally text Tyler to tell him ( I was waiting because I didn't want him to have to come back, and I KNEW they had to be somewhere!). Tyler calls me, I tell him what's going on. Of course, I tried to keep myself together this whole time but once I start telling Tyler I have to hold back the tears of frustration. So I tell Tyler not to come home yet, I will keep looking and I will call him if I decide they can't be found. I hang up, go to download a flashlight app to look everywhere, AGAIN, and as soon as I hang up the phone - it turns off. Boom. Phone's Dead. No flashlight. Tyler has no idea which Old Navy I'm even at. I have no one's phone number but Tylers. AWESOME!

Hmm, keep looking. I stick Kylie in the stroller so she will stop running and hold Kinsley so she will stop crying. Time to re-look under shelves and through the clothes racks again. I sit Kinsley on the floor (gross - but I had no options) and look under a shelf only to look up just in time to see Kinsley dive forward and nail her head on the cement floor. AWESOME. Perfect. Now my 8 month old has a big knot and bruise on her for head. At this point, I had asked if anyone had found them, told a good 3-4 employees exactly where I had lost them and guess what! Not one person ever offered to help me look for them. All I got was a "Nobody has turned them in yet". Um… DUH. I just told you exactly where I lost them and haven't left that section for the last hour and a half at this point. That's when I notice that Kylie's shorts are all wet - her diaper soaked through. Awesome. We go to the bathroom to change diapers and guess what? I have a diaper bag with no diapers OR wipes in it. GREAT.

Back to looking. Kinsley is screaming, it's way past nap time, and clearly she is hungry. So guess what time it is! Time to whip out the milkers and feed her in the middle of Old Navy while I KEEP LOOKING FOR THOSE DANG KEYS! The one thing that went right on this trip - I actually had my nursing cover in the diaper bag!

Yep, this is me. Nursing Kinsley in the middle of Old Navy…

So, fast forward through a lot of looking. Kids are screaming again (probably close to an hour later). Still won't fall asleep. I'm now pushing around the stroller AND a cart so that I can buckle them both in. We go sit on the bench and I feed Kinsley again to FINALLY get her to fall asleep. While I'm feeding her Kylie tells me she is peeing and I look over and the pee is literally running down her leg like she has no diaper on at all. Sweeeeeet. One of the employee's comes over and asks me if I am the one that lost my keys. I get super excited only to hear him say - "Oh! Your husband called and we though you left and went to another store so we told him you were gone.". Seriously? I call Tyler, he's already back at the house looking for the spare key. I hang up and go look AGAIN this time I go through the shirts where I lost them one by one wondering if one of the shirts had a front pocket that Kylie might have stuck them in? I'm half way through the rack and guess what…. KEYS!!! In the same place I have looked a million times. I had even gone through shaking all of the clothes and listening to see if my keys were stuck in them and would fall down and had NO luck. But there they are, hanging from the collar of one of the shirts - with the entire keychain INSIDE the shirt and one little mail key sticking out the front holding it up and keeping it from falling to the floor. WOW.

Time to go home! I get in the car and turn it on. Plug in my phone to charge it. Look at the clock…. it's 1:45. We got there at 10:30 and were ready to leave by 11. Yeah.

Girls fall asleep within minutes in the car - they are exhausted. We get home, I bring them in only to find this. 

At this point, I am not even phased. It's nap time and I REFUSE to wake her up. So as of right now, Kylie is banging around in her room (she thinks if she falls asleep in the car for 5 minutes that means she already took a nap). And Kinsley is fast asleep in her carseat, on the dryer - with the dryer on and the vent fan on in the laundry room to keep her from waking up. Yep, we are taking no chances. And luckily I took this pictures so I don't forget my keys are sitting there on the dryer with her….

So all in all - McDonald's was a succes - the rest, not so much. I had to ask them to hold my clothes for me because I never got to finish shopping. We never went to TJ Maxx, and I cam home with nothing but two extremely cranky, pee & poop soaked kids. And just to think, without kids I would probably have come home with an entire new wardrobe in that amount of time. But instead….. NOTHING.

I actually wish I would have taken more pictures to document the really fun 2 hours in between the nursing picture and the poopslplosion….. but my phone was dead.

Ok, I feel better now. Thanks for listening. :)

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