Friday, March 14, 2014

Challenge Group Schedule

I have a bunch of challenge groups on the schedule!! There are a bunch of different types - some free, some not!

I would love to not bug everyone by announcing them on FB & my blog all the time. I have an email list that I use to send out updates on what I have scheduled. If you would like to be on the list just post your email here or PM me your email address!! I only send out 1 or 2 a month, but the email list helps so that I don't have to post announcements for them on FB all the time .

Coming up I have a T25 Challenge Group, a free 7 Day Clean Eating Challenge Group, a 4 Day Shakeology Challenge Group, and a BeachBody Multi-Program Challenge group on the schedule! If you want more info, comment with your email address, or email me! I'm about to send out an email with the basic info for all the groups!

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