Friday, March 28, 2014

Look at those guns!!!

I am just super excited so I want to share…. CHECK OUT THESE GUNS!!

My upper body has ALWAYS been my weakness. I am a soccer/snowboarder girl, who needs strong arms for that?!? Plus, I have never really had any clue how to work out my arms CORRECTLY. The machines at the gym always scared me, and I felt awkward trying to use free weights with all the huge guys around doing their thing. So I have always been a treadmill/elliptical kind of girl at the gym -which I know now, while not a waste of time, was not a good use of time for the results I was looking for!

So I just finished week 8 of T25 - like literally RIGHT before I took this picture! I had just done my Friday Doubles and I felt DEAD. It was even super hard to hold the phone up AND flex at the same time because my muscles were shaking. But guess what?!? For the first time in my life I HAVE TONED ARMS! Not perfect, but they are getting there!

I can honestly say that T25 is what I have needed this whole time. This program is AMAZING. Especially for me. I am a mom. I have a 2 year old and an 8 month old that keep me busy 24/7! I have a household to run, a business to run, and I need my adult socialization time too - so I feel like I am super busy and before I started this program I was positive there was no way I had time to fit in a daily workout that would really make that much of a difference. BOY WAS I WRONG! I do T25 as soon as my girls go down for a nap. TWENTY FIVE MINUTES is all it takes! Seriously, 25 minutes a day, 5 days a week got me these guns. I couldn't be happier!!!

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