Thursday, March 27, 2014

How our Body Imagine effects our children's future.

Maybe it's just me, but I am a VERY firm believer that our kids learn more from watching us than they do from listening to what we try to TEACH them. Teach by what you do, not by what you say - right?

Well I was browsing around and reading up on how to boost a positive body imagine in women. I know this is such a huge issue these days. What we see in the media is FAKE. It really is. The women we see on TV and in magazines are made to look the way no real woman does so that you DO envy them, want to be like them, and may even be slightly jealous. But it is not real. It's just not. There are so many women out there that I know personally that I think are incredible women inside AND out. They are gorgeous, beautiful, worth more than they could ever imagine. But instead of seeing this, they see themselves and compare themselves to these fake "Role Models".

Well guess what. To those of us mommies that have children, little girls in particular, we need to remember that WE are THEIR role models. Little girls admire their mothers. They want to be like us. They are constantly watching us, wanting to do what we do, think the way that we think, strive for the things that they see us working so hard for. Even my two year old repeats everything I say not only to me - but to herself as well as to complete strangers! Because of this I think it is SO important that we remember that our daughters see and understand how we feel about ourselves, our self worth. They hear the things we say regarding our bodies and how they "should" be or what we think is "wrong" with them. These same little girls will grow up with these same ideas in their heads! I know that no mother wants their child to grow up always thinking they need to be skinnier, prettier, or think that they are sub par and not as beautiful as others.

With that said, I stumbled upon this article. It's nothing you haven't heard before, but it is something that I think we as mothers need to be reminded of constantly. PLEASE READ THIS! Read it often. Print it off and stick it on your mirror, your scale, your refrigerator. And most of all - remember to LOVE yourself for the absolutely beautiful, amazing person you are. We are all different. We all have different strengths and weakness - but those unique strengths and weaknesses we have define us and make us individuals. They make us something that no one else on this earth could possible be. No one can be as special as you because no one can be JUST LIKE YOU. Please read this by clicking the link below, and tell me what you think!

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