Thursday, April 3, 2014

It's my PERFECT storm!

Who is ready to put on a bathing suit this Summer?!? I would normally say that I am mortified to even try on a bathing suit, but since I am now on week NINE of T25 I can honestly say (probably for the first time in my life) that I am excited to go bathing suit shopping and hit the pool!!

Who wants to feel that way with me? It is total doable, even if you are super busy and feel like you have no time, I promise. I know because I am right there with you! I am so excited that both T25 AND Brazil Butt Lift will be on sale ALL month! I have had so many friends get AMAZING results just like I have from these programs!

Perfect timing because I have a new fitness challenge group starting on May 5th to help you get bathing suit ready in no time! Email me for details -

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