Saturday, February 8, 2014

Instagram - I finally gave in on you!

I am officially, FINALLY, on Instagram!

For those of you who know me personally, I have the worst luck EVER with phones. Seriously, electronics come to me to die. It's the truth. So after ruining plenty of phones I have been stuck using my 4 year old REALLY, REALLY, slow - always crashing- Droid. I am an iPhone girl so I am not a fan of this. It makes it so much harder to use any apps!

So I did a factory reset, got my phone running a little smoother and quicker, and got my Instagram account going!!

So make sure you follow me! I'm a nerd and pretty excited about this so you will probably see TONS of posts from me while I figure this whole thing out ;)

Follow me!!  - deCLAIREyourselfFIT

And in honor of my 2 year old Kylie's current movie obsession….

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