Monday, February 17, 2014

Join my new FREE Fitness Support Group on FaceBook!

In honor of my birthday, I have decided that I want to start a Fitness Challenge group here on FB. This will be a group that you can go to share healthy recipes, tell each other about the new workouts your doing, motivate and encourage each other and hold each other accountable! And also to be able to ask for advice and ask questions!

You don't have to be doing any certain workout. You don't have to be on a particular diet. You don't have to pay anything. You just have to come and show your support to everyone!

Fitness is so much more fun with friends and family! (Corny, I know. But true!). Message me on FB if you would like to be added! Just click the "Follow" button on the right to message me!

You will get a notification when I add you that you have been added to -"deCLAIRE yourself FIT - My Fit Family!"

** I Just temporarily changed the group from "Secret" to "Closed" so that you can find the group and request to join! Just click the link below

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